
1、外贸函电回信英文版Dear Mr Ms,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and...

1、外贸函电回信英文版Dear Mr Ms,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to。

2、之内From the enclosed copy of invoice you will seethat price of USD1800 is well within the maximum figure you stated从随附的发票副本中,您可以看到1800美元的价格在您所述的最高价格范围内外贸英语函电商。


4、000 dozens of AK18 and let us know the earliest time of shipment and your terms of paymentBy the way, the competition of similar product is very fierce in our market , please make sure that your。

5、Unit 8 2 We refer to Contract NO CT 345 signed on December 1, 2003, under which we decided 5000 MTs cotton will be delivered in March, 2004 Up till now we have not heard any news about。

6、我们国际贸易专业用的这本教材,真的很好,实用外贸英语函电商务英语应用文写作第3版作者尹小莹 出版社西安交通大学出版社 出版日期20040201 译者ISBN776 开本 装帧原价 12 元 外贸英语。

7、21题我不确定,其他我觉得你答案都是对的~~23题和前面的一道选择对上了`` 希望你过关拉。

8、如果你想学习外贸英语,外贸行业英语,外贸专业术语,外贸贸易术语等等, 我推荐深圳外贸论坛szfob外贸英语版块 深圳外贸论坛的外贸英语版块包括了,外贸术语,商务函电,外贸口语,行业英语,物流货代英语, 外贸英语角。

9、非常感谢您6月10日按照一般交易条件给我们3000打标的物报价为35美元件 CFR Vancouver很抱歉我们的终端用户发现您的价格远远高于现行市场价格资料显示,你们产品的价格高于印度同类产品价格的20%虽然我们清楚中国产品的质量。

10、为期x天的外贸英语函电实训已经结束,在这四天里,我们严格按照实训要求操作,完成了一系列有 外贸英语函电写作的步骤,在实训过程中我们不断巩固和提高了英语函电的写作知识,使我们的专业技术水平得到了有效的提高 通过实训,使我对外贸。

11、1 Dear SirsThank you on May 4 call, we asked the printed cloth, and demanded to know we have a large number of ordersWe have separately sent to you a comprehensive design and materials for choice。

12、外贸英语函电 兰天 编著 2007第五版 东北财经大学出版社 32元 我不知道这本书网上有没有得卖,但是各大书店肯定有的喔~~呵呵,非常推荐~~~顺便说明一下,这本书前面一部分是英语,然后有中文解释,每课后有习题。

13、To who it may concern,Thanks for your order on 910 of the brown fabric, however, the price had been skyrocketed, so we are afraid that the earlier price is not acceptable anymore We apologize for this。


15、Yours faithfully,Tony SmithChief Seller外贸函电回复投诉中文版先生多谢五月二十日有关第252号定单的来信得悉货物及时运抵,感到高兴有关第46号箱错运货物一事,在此向贵公司致歉经调查,发现装运时误。